Items where Subject is "Computer Software"

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Bujok, Andrzej Beniamin (2021) Development of a Software Testing Best Practice Framework for Medical Device Software. Doctoral thesis, Dundalk Institute of Technology.

Bujok, Andrzej Beniamin and MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and McCaffery, Fergal and Whelan, Dick and Mulcahy, Bernard and Rickard, William J. (2016) Safety Critical Software Development – Extending Quality Management System Practices to Achieve Compliance with Regulatory Requirements. In: 16th International Conference, SPICE 2016, June 9-10, 2016, Dublin, Ireland.

Burton, John and McCaffery, Fergal and Richardson, Ita (2008) Improving Software Risk Management Practices in a Medical Device Company. In: International Conference on Software Process, ICPS 2008, May 10-11 2008, Leipzig, Germany.


Clarke, Paul and Lepmets, Marion and McCaffery, Fergal and Finnegan, Anita and Dorling, Alec and Flood, Derek (2014) The demands of safety-critical medical device software development. In: SPICE 2014, 5-6 November, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Clarke, Paul and Lepmets, Marion and McCaffery, Fergal and Finnegan, Anita and Dorling, Alec and Eagles, Sherman (2014) Characteristics of a medical device software development framework. In: EuroSPI 2014, 25-27 June, Luxembourg.

Coleman, Gerry (2005) An Empirical Study of Software Process in Practice. In: 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3 January to 6 January 2005, Big Island, Hawaii.


Demissie, Surafel and Keenan, Frank and McCaffery, Fergal (2021) The Sync-Up Process to Improve the Multiple Stakeholder Communication of Requirements Analysis in Embedded Medical Software Development. Masters thesis, Dundalk Institute of Technology.

Demissie, Surafel and Keenan, Frank and Özcan-Top , Özden and McCaffery, Fergal (2018) Agile Usage in Embedded Software Development in Safety Critical Domain--A Systematic Review. In: International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination SPICE 2018: Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination. Springer, Cham, pp. 316-326.

Doyle, Julie and Murphy, Emma and Kuiper , Janneke and Smith, Suzanne and Hannigan, Caoimhe and Jacobs, An and Dinsmore , John Managing Multimorbidity: Identifying Design Requirements for a Digital Self-Management Tool to Support Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions. CHI - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ISSN 9781450359702


Finnegan, Anita and McCaffery, Fergal (2014) A Security Argument Pattern for Medical Device Assurance Cases. In: The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-Intensive Systems, 3rd - 6th November 2014, Naples, Italy.

Flood, Derek and McCaffery, Fergal and Casey, Valentine and Regan, Gilbert (2013) A Methodology for Software Process Improvement Roadmaps for Regulated Domains – Example with ISO 62366. In: Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 364 . Springer, Berlin, pp. 25-35. ISBN 9783-642391798

Flood, Derek and McDaid, Kevin and Mc Caffrey, Fergal and Regan, Gilbert (2013) Implementation of traceability best practices within the medical device domain. In: EuroSPI Dundalk, Dublin.

Fracasso, Francesca and Cortellessa, Gabriella and Coan, Karen and Regan, Gilbert and Rossel, Pierre and Umbrico, Alessandro and Cesta, Amedeo (2019) ICF-based Classification to Bridge the Gap Between End-Users and AAL Solutions. In: 10th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living, 19-21 June 2019, Ancona, Italy. (Submitted)


Hegarty, Francis J and MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and Byrne, Patricia and McCaffery, Fergal (2014) Assessing a Hospital’s Medical IT Network Risk Management Practice with 80001-1. AAMI Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology, 48 (1). pp. 64-71. ISSN 0899-8205


Karl, Mernagh and Kevin, McDaid (2014) Google Sheets v Microsoft Excel: A Comparison of the Behaviour and Performance of Spreadsheet Users. Psychology of Programming Annual Conference, 2014.

Ketheswarasarma Rajaram, Hamsini and Loane, John and McCaffery, Fergal and MacMahon, Silvana Togneri (2021) Expert review of Taxonomy based testing – a testing framework for medical device software. In: ENASE 2021. 16th international conference on evaluation of novel approaches to software engineering..

Ketheswarasarma Rajaram, Hamsini and Loane, John and MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and McCaffery, Fergal (2018) Taxonomy Based Testing and Validation of a new Defect Classification for Health Software. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (1985). ISSN 2047-7481

Ketheswarma Rajaram, Hamsini and Loane, John and MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and McCaffery, Fergal (2018) Taxonomy Based Testing using SW91 , a Medical Device Software Defect Taxonomy. In: 2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 9th to 13th April, 2018, Vasteras, Sweden .


Lepmets, Marion and Cater-Steel, Aileen and Mesquida, Antoni Lluís and O'Connor, Rory V. and McBride, Tom (2014) A Cynefin based approach to process model tailoring and goal alignment. In: 9th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2014), 23-26 Sept 2014, Guimaraes, Portugal.

Lepmets, Marion and Clarke, Paul and McCaffery, Fergal and Finnegan, Anita and Dorling, Alec (2014) Development of a Process Assessment Model for Medical Device Software Development. In: EuroSPI 2014, 25-27 June, Luxembourg.

Lin, Jia and Horn, Christian and Lawless, Fiona (2014) A Difference Calculus for Structured Data. Irish Signals & Systems Conference 2014 and 2014 China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (ISSC 2014/CIICT 2014).


Mac Namara, Damien and Gibson, John Paul and Oakley, Ken (2014) The Ideal Voting Interface: Classifying Usability. Journal of eDemocracy and Open Government, 6 (2). ISSN 2075-9517

MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and Cooper, Todd and McCaffery, Fergal (2018) Revising IEC 80001-1: Risk Management of Health Information Technology Systems. Computer Standards & Interfaces. ISSN ISSN: 0920-5489

MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and Hegarty, Francis J and McCaffery, Fergal and Byrne, Patricia (2014) Using IEC80001-1 to assess a hospital’s Medical IT- Network risk management practice. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology. (Submitted)

MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and McCaffery, Fergal and Keenan, Frank (2015) Development of the MedITNet Assessment Method. Enabling Healthcare Delivery Organisation Self Assessment against IEC 80001-1. In: The First International Conference on Fundamentals and Advances in Software Systems Integration FASSI 2015 August 23 - 28, 2015 - Venice, Italy.

MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and McCaffery, Fergal and Keenan, Frank (2015) Development and Validation of the MedITNet Assessment Framework: Improving Risk Management of Medical IT Networks. In: 2015 International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP), August 24–26, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia. (Submitted)

MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and McCaffery, Fergal and Keenan, Frank (2016) The MedITNet Assessment Framework: Development and Validation of a Framework for Improving Risk Management of Medical IT Networks. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. ISSN 2047-7481

MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and McCaffery, Fergal and Keenan, Frank (2016) The MedITNet Assessment Method – Development and Validation using Action Design Research. Self Assessment against IEC 80001-1. International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 8 (1 & 2). pp. 143-153. ISSN 1942-2660

MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and McCaffery, Fergal and Keenan, Frank (2013) Towards a Process Assessment Model for IEC 80001-1. In: 6th International Conference on Health Informatics. (Submitted)

MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and McCaffery, Fergal and Keenan, Frank and Lepmets, Marion and Eagles, Sherman and Renault, Alain (2013) Assessing against IEC 80001-1. In: 6th International conference on Health Informatics. (Submitted)

MacMahon, Silvana Togneri and McCaffery, Fergal and Keenan, Frank and Lepmets, Marion and Eagles, Sherman and Renault, Alain (2012) Development of a process assessment model for assessing medical IT networks against IEC 80001-1. In: Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination (SPICE), 29th to 31st May 2012, Majorca, Spain. (Submitted)

Mallon, Bride and Nolan, Kieran (2016) Picteilín 2016. Creative Media and Game Studies Conference: Narrative, Interactivity, and Emergent Digital Practices. Book of Abstracts. Dundalk Institute of Technology , Dundalk, Co. Louth. ISBN 9780993045912

McCaffery, Fergal and Clarke, Paul and Lepmets, Marion (2014) A Lightweight Assessment Method for Medical Device Software Processes. In: SPICE 2014, 5-6 November, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Mc Hugh, Martin and Collins, Naoise (0016) Inclusive Assessment: Challenges Faced by Autistic Students in Higher Education. Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE 2023).

Mc Hugh, Martin and Ali, Abder-Rahman and McCaffery, Fergal (2013) The Significance of Requirements in Medical Device Software Development. In: EuroSPI 2013, 25-27 June, Dundalk, Ireland.

McCaffery, Fergal and Flood, Derek and Regan, Gilbert (2015) The Development and Validation of a Roadmap for Traceability. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 526 (526). pp. 45-57. ISSN 1865-0929

McCaffery, Fergal and Flood, Derek and Regan, Gilbert (2016) Research Findings from an Industrial Trial of a Traceability Assessment and Implementation Framework. In: International Conference on Software and Systems Process, May 14 - 22, Austin Texas.

McCaffery, Fergal and Kitija, Trektere and Regan, Gilbert and Flood, Derek and Lepmets, Marion (2017) Mobile medical app development with a focus on traceability. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 29 (11). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2047-7481

McCaffery, Fergal and Ozcantop, Ozden (2017) How does Scrum Conform to the Regulatory Requirements Defined in MDevSPICE? In: Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 770 . Springer, Berlin, pp. 257-268. ISBN 9783319673837

McCaffery, Fergal and Ozcantop, Ozden (2018) A Hybrid Assessment Approach for Medical Device Software Development Companies. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 30 (7). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2047-7481

McCaffery, Fergal and Regan, Gilbert and Flood, Derek and McDaid, Kevin (2013) Medical device standards' requirements for traceability during the software development lifecycle and implementation of a traceability assessment model. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 36 (1). pp. 3-9. ISSN ISSN: 0920-5489

McCaffery, Fergal and Özcan-Top, Ozden (2017) A Lightweight Software Process Assessment Approach based on MDevSPICE® for Medical Device Development Domain. In: Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 748 . Springer, pp. 578-588. ISBN 9783319642178

McDaid, Kevin and McCaffery, Fergal and Regan, Gilbert and Flood, Derek (2013) Investigation of Traceability within a Medical Device Organization. In: Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination. Spice, 349 . Springer, Berlin, pp. 211-222. ISBN 9783642388330


Nyirenda, Misheck and Loughran, Roisin and Mc Hugh, Martin and Nugent, Christopher and McCaffery, Fergal (2023) Identifying Agile Practices to Reduce Defects in Medical Device Software Development. In: Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement 2023, 29 August to 2 September 2023, Grenoble, France.

Nyirenda, Misheck and Mc Hugh, Martin and Loughran, Roisin and McCaffery, Fergal (2024) An Agile-Based Framework for Addressing Defects in Medical Device Software Development. In: EuroSPI 2024 (4-6 Sept) hosted in Munich, Germany, 4-6 September, Munich, Germany.

Nyirenda, Misheck and Mc Hugh, Martin and Loughran, Roisin and McCaffery, Fergal (2024) Using Agile Practices to Address Defects in Medical Device Software Development: A Survey of Medical Device Software Organisations in Ireland. In: ICCSM 2024 (4-6 July) hosted in Paris, France, 4-6 July 2024, Paris, France.


Paul, Pangkaj Chandra and Loane, John and Regan, Gilbert and McCaffery, Fergal (2019) Analysis of Attacks and Security Requirements for Wireless Body Area Networks-A Systematic Literature Review. In: European Conference on Software Process Improvement.


Rajaram, Hamsini Ketheswarasarma and McCaffery, Fergal and Loane , John and MacMahon, Silvana Togneri A Framework for Taxonomy Based Testing Using Classification of Defects in Health Software-SW91. In: Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-13.

Regan, Gilbert and Biro, Miklos and Flood, Derek and McCaffery, Fergal (2015) Assessing traceability — practical experiences and lessons learned. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 27. pp. 591-601. ISSN 2047-7481

Regan, Gilbert and McCaffery, Fergal and Longo, Simone and Reich, Jan and Schneider, Daniel and Sorokos, Ioannis and Guo, Joe and Zeller, Marc and Wei, Ran and Kelly, Tim Engineering Framework for the Generation and Integration of Digital Dependability Identities. DEIS Project. (Submitted)

Regan, Gilbert and McCaffery, Fergal and Reich, Jan and Armengaud, Eric and Kaypmaz, Cem and Guo, Joe and Longo, Simone and O'Carroll, Eoin (2019) Evaluation of a Dependability Mechanism for Cyber Physical Systems. In: Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. 26th European Conference, EuroSPI 2019, September 18–20, 2019, Edinburgh, UK..

Rust, Peter and Flood, Derek and McCaffery, Fergal (2016) Creation of an IEC 62304 compliant Software Development Plan. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. ISSN 2047-7481

Rust, Peter and Flood, Derek and McCaffery, Fergal (2015) Software Process Improvement & Roadmapping – A Roadmap for Implementing IEC 62304 in Organizations Developing and Maintaining Medical Device Software. Communications in Computer and Information Science. ISSN 1865-0929

Rust, Peter and Flood, Derek and McCaffery, Fergal (2015) Software Process Improvement Roadmaps – Using Design Patterns to Aid SME’s Developing Medical Device Software in the Implementation of IEC 62304. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 609. ISSN 1865-0929

Rust, Peter and Flood, Derek and Regan, Gilbert and McCaffery, Fergal (2018) A Software Process Improvement Roadmap for IEC 62304: an Expert Review. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 896. pp. 593-604. ISSN 1865-0929

Rust, Peter and McCaffery, Fergal and Casey, Valentine and McKeever, Ruth and Flood, Derek (2015) A roadmap to ISO 14971 implementation. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 27 (5). ISSN 2047-7481


Treacy, Ceara and McCaffery, Fergal (2016) Data Security Overview for Medical Mobile Apps Assuring the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Data in Transmission. International Journal on Advances in Security, 9 (3 & 4). pp. 146-157. ISSN 1942-2636

Treacy, Ceara and McCaffery, Fergal (2016) Medical Mobile Apps Data Security Overview. In: • The Second International Conference on Advances and Trends in Software Engineering, SOFTENG 2016, February 21 - 25, 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.

Treacy, Ceara and McCaffery, Fergal and Finnegan, Anita (2015) Mobile Health & Medical Apps: Possible Impediments to Healthcare Adoption. In: eTELEMED 2015, The Seventh International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, from February 22, 2015 to February 27, 2015 , Lisbon, Portugal.


Whiting, Declan and Sokoros, Ioannis and Papadopoulos, Yiannis and Regan, Gilbert and O'Carroll, Eoin (2019) Automated Model-based Attack Tree Analysis using HiP-HOPS. In: 6th International Symposium, IMBSA 2019. Model-Based Safety and Assessment., October 16–18, 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.


Özcan-Top , Özden and Demirörs, Onur Application of a Software Agility Assessment Model – AgilityMod in the Field. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 62. pp. 1-16. (In Press)

Özcan-Top , Özden and McCaffery, Fergal (2019) To what extent the medical device software regulations can be achieved with agile software development methods? XP—DSDM—Scrum. The Journal of Supercomputing, 75 (8). 5227-5260. ISSN 0920-8542

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