Items where Subject is "Arts and Humanities"
Group by: Creators | Item Type Number of items at this level: 84. BBarton, Kevin and Brady, Conor and Meehan, Robert (2013) An Assessment of the Archaeological Potential of a Low-Level Airborne Geophysical Dataset from the Boyne Valley, Ireland. In: Aerial Archaeology Research Group annual conference, 26-28 September 2013, Amersfoort, Netherlands. Bennis, C. and McGrath, D. and Caulfield, B. and Knapp, R. Benjamin and Coghlan, Niall (2010) A Common Awareness and Knowledge Platform for Studying and Enabling Independent Living – CAPSIL. In: AGEmap 2010 - Workshop on Roadmaps towards a strategic research agenda for ICT in active ageing, 22 March 2010, Munich, Germany. (Submitted) Brady, Conor (1996) Surface-collected flint from Site A, Newgrange, Co. Meath. Trowel, 7. pp. 41-45. ISSN 0791-1017 Brady, Conor (1997) A previously unrecorded megalithic structure at Fennor, Co. Meath. Trowel, 8. pp. 22-23. ISSN 0791-1017 Brady, Conor and Barton, Kevin (2010) Towards an Integrated, Multi-method Remote Sensing Strategy for Archaeological Landscape Analysis: the Discovery of the Rossnaree Enclosure, Brú na Bóinne, County Meath, Ireland. In: Aerial Archaeology Research Group annual conference 2010, 15th-19th September, Bucharest, Romania. Brady, Conor and Barton, Kevin and Davis, Stephen (2011) Putting LiDAR to the Test in the Brú na Bóinne WHS, Ireland: Site discovery, definition and investigation using LiDAR, geophysics and coring. In: Ambitions and Realities: Remote Sensing for Archaeology, Research and Conservation. Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) & European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) , 21-24 September 2011, Institute of Prehistory, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. Brady, Conor and Byrnes, Emmet and Cooney, Gabriel and O'Sullivan, Aidan (2008) An archaeological study of the Battle of the Boyne at Oldbridge, Co. Meath. Journal of Conflict Archaeology , 3 (1). pp. 53-77. Brady, Conor and Davis, Stephen and Megarry, William and Barton, Kevin (2013) Lidar survey in the Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site. In: Interpreting Archaeological Topography: Lasers, 3D Data, Observation, Visualisation and Applications. Occasional Publication of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group . Oxbow Books, Barnsley, pp. 225-239. ISBN 9781842175163 CCasley, Brian (2015) The Role of the Mandolin in Irish Traditional Music. Masters thesis, Dundalk Institute of Technology. Coghlan, Niall and Jaimovich, J and Knapp, R. Benjamin and O'Brien, D. and Ortiz, M.A. (2009) AffecTech- an affect-aware interactive AV Artwork. In: Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA09), 2009, Belfast, Ireland.. Coghlan, Niall and Knapp, R. Benjamin (2009) Inner-Active Art: an Examination of Aesthetic & Communicative Issues in Physiologically Based Artworks. In: Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA09), 23 August - 1 September 2009, Belfast, Ireland. Coghlan, Niall and Knapp, R. Benjamin (2008) Sensory Chairs: A System for Biosignal Research and Performance. In: Proceedings of 2008 Conference on New Instruments for Musical Expression (NIME08), 5-7 June, 2008, Genoa, Italy. Commins, Adèle and Kearney, Daithi (2017) A Louth Lilt. [Composition] JJaimovich, J and Coghlan, Niall and Knapp, R. Benjamin (2010) Contagion of Physiological Correlates of Emotion between Performer and Audience: An Exploratory Study. In: Bio-inspired Human-Machine Interfaces and Healthcare Applications. Valencia, Spain, pp. 67-74., 21-22 January 2010, Valencia, Spain. (Submitted) Jaimovich, J and Coghlan, Niall and Knapp, R. Benjamin (2012) Emotion in Motion: A Study of Music and Affective Response. In: 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR) , 19-22 June, London, England. (Submitted) Jaimovich, J and Ortiz-Perez, Miguel and Coghlan, Niall and Knapp, R. Benjamin (2012) The Emotion in Motion Experiment: Using an Interactive Installation as a Means for Understanding Emotional Response to Music. In: Proceedings of New Instruments for Musical Expression (NIME) Conference, Michigan, USAProceedings of New Instruments for Musical Expression (NIME) Conference, 21-23 May 2012, Michigan, USA. KKearney, Daithi (2022) Advancing Music in Ireland as Religious and Social Practice: The Experience of Pat Ahern. MUSICultures, 49. pp. 187-212. Kearney, Daithi (2023) Book Review: Handbook of Niche Tourism by: Marina Novelli, Joseph M. Cheer, Claudia Dolezal, Adam Jones and Claudio Milano (Editors). International Journal of Tourism Policy, 13 (4). pp. 388-391. Kearney, Daithi (2024) Burdens and Opportunities of Tradition in Artistic Communities: Listening to Narratives of the Arts in Siamsa Tíre’s Sounds Like Folk Podcast Series. Studi Irlandesi, 14. pp. 175-190. ISSN 2239-3978 (online) Kearney, Daithi (2024) Contributions to The Companion to Irish Traditional Music (ed. Fintan Vallely). In: The Companion to Irish Traditional Music. Cork University Press, Cork. ISBN 9781782056027 Kearney, Daithi (2021) Creative Arts, Discovery and Empathy: Sharing Creativity and Exploration in Education. ETBI Journal of Education, 3 (1). pp. 27-32. Kearney, Daithi (2021) Forging the Dance: The Expression of Regionality in Irish Folk Theatre. In: Timbres of Identity: Ethnomusicological Approaches to Music-Dance and Identity. Association of Ethnomusicology, Bursa, Turkey, pp. 39-57. Kearney, Daithi (2020) More than Buzzing Bluebottles: New Contexts for Céilí Bands in Ireland. Ó Cos go Cluas: From Dancing to Listening; Proceedings of the 2012 North Atlantic Fiddle Convention . Elphinstone Institute, Aberdeen. Kearney, Daithi (2024) A NEED FOR PIED PIPERS?: MAKING CONNECTIONS IN A COMMUNITY ARTS SONG-MAKING PROJECT. Culture Crossroads, 25. pp. 33-44. Kearney, Daithi No Longer Second Fiddle: Due Recognition for Josephine Keegan. In: Women in Music in Ireland. Boydell and Brewer, Dundalk. Kearney, Daithi (2018) The Oriel March. [Composition] (Unpublished) Kearney, Daithi Performing Local Music: Engaging with Regional Musical Identities through Higher Education and Research. In: Musical Spaces: Place, Performance, and Power. Jenny Stanford, New York, pp. 85-113. Kearney, Daithi (2021) Port na bPucaí: Representations of solitude, isolation and otherworldly encounters in Irish poetry and folk theatre. Confluente. pp. 89-105. ISSN L 1842 - 662x Kearney, Daithi (2024) Review: Becoming an Irish Traditional Musician: Learning and Embodying Musical Culture by Jessica Cawley. Irish Studies Review, 32 (2). pp. 317-320. ISSN Kearney, Daithi (2024) Review: Folklore and Nation in Britain and Ireland, edited by Matthew Cheeseman and Carina Hart’. Irish Studies Review, 32 (4). pp. 614-616. ISSN Kearney, Daithi (2023) Review: Lea Hagmann (2022), Celtic Music and Dance in Cornwall: Cornu-Copia (London: Routledge), 238 pp., £130, ISBN: 978-0-367-69141-7. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 32 (2). pp. 142-144. ISSN 1755-2931 Kearney, Daithi (2023) A Summer Without Siamsa – Are We Forgetting About Local Arts Communities? Journal of Music. Kearney, Daithi (2022) ‘They must know me’: Embodied Intertextuality and the Reworking of Local Irish Dance Traditions by Siamsa Tíre. International Journal ofTraditional Arts, 3. ISSN 2631-6064 Kearney, Daithi (2022) Tourism, Touring and Staged Folklore. In: Staged Folklore, The National Folk Theatre of Ireland 1968-1998. Cork University Press, Cork, pp. 27-45. (Submitted) Kearney, Daithi and Bellew, Séamus Review: The Rose in the Gap. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society. Kearney, Daithi and Burns, Kevin (2022) Come Enjoy the Craic: Locating an Irish Traditional Music Festival in Drogheda. In: Festivals and the City: The Contested Geographies of Urban Events. University of Westminster Press, London, pp. 231-247. Kearney, Daithi and Commins, Adèle (2023) Much More Than ‘Danny Boy’: Bringing Irish Traditional Music to the USA. Ethnomusicology Forum, 32 (2). pp. 251-267. ISSN 1741-1920 Kearney, Daithi and Commins, Adèle (2018) Oirghialla Oscailte. Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk. Kearney, Daithi and Commins, Adèle (2021) The World is our Oyster: The Benefits of International Experiences in Higher Education. All Ireland Journal of Higher Education, 13 (1). Kearney, Daithi and Commins, Adèle and McGuinness, Philip (2021) Virtual Musicking During COVID-19: Maintaining a Music Ensemble Community. Journal of Music, Health and Wellbeing. Kearney, Daithí and Commins, Adèle (2024) Let’s put up a stage: Experiencing Speyfest, a Celtic Music Festival in Scotland. In: Reimagining Community Festivals and Events Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003429760 Kearney, Daithi (2017) Capturing the Moment and Replaying the Tape: Developing Technology-Enhanced Strategies for Student Learning and Engagement in Music Performance at Third Level. In: Teachers as learners: exploring the impact of accredited professional development on learning and assessment in Irish Higher Education. AISHE, Dublin, pp. 48-57. ISBN 9780993525445 Kearney, Daithi (2016) From Tralee to Times Square: Bringing Irish folk theatre to Broadway. In: The circulation of popular culture between Ireland and the USA, June 16-17-18, 2016, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne. (Submitted) Kearney, Daithi (2018) Listening for Tradition: Contributing to a Regional Musical Identity through Higher Education Research. Musicology Research Journal (5). pp. 387-424. ISSN 2515-981X Kearney, Daithi (2012) Radio and regions in Irish traditional music. In: Histories of Irish Traditional Music and Dance. Ancestral Imprints: Histories of Irish Traditional Music and Dance . Cork University Press, Cork, pp. 128-140. ISBN 9781859184929 Kearney, Daithi (2016) Revisiting Samhain: Two Directions on a Theme. In: New Crops, Old Fields: (Re)imagining Irish Folklore. Peter Lang Publishing Group, Dublin , pp. 99-124. ISBN 9781787072497 Kearney, Daithi (2020) Soundscapes: geographies of sound and music. In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier, pp. 297-304. ISBN 9780081022955 Kearney, Daithi (2013) ‘Traditional Irish music here tonight’: Exploring the session space. In: Spacing Ireland: Place Society and Culture in a Post-Boom Era. Manchester University Press, Manchester, England., pp. 171-182. ISBN 9780719086793 Kearney, Daithi and Commins, Adèle (2018) Studio Trad: Facilitating traditional music experiences for music production students. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, 11 (6). ISSN 1752-7066 Kearney, Daithi and Kokuer, Munevver and Ali-MacLachlan, Islah and Jancovic, Peter (2019) Curating and annotating a collection of traditional Irish flute recordings to facilitate stylistic analysis. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 20 (1). pp. 107-121. ISSN 1432-5012 Knapp, R. Benjamin and Jaimovich, J and Coghlan, Niall (2009) Measurement of Motion and Emotion during Musical Performance. In: International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction, 10-12 September 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. LLynn, Christina (2021) “Classifying Operations”: Constructing and manufacturing identities in Irish and American country music. International Country Music Journal. Lynn, Christina (2022) From Isolation to Icons: Three Women Artists in Irish Country Music. Doctoral thesis, Dundalk Institute of Technology. MMaguire, Martin (1995) ‘The Church of Ireland and the problem of the Protestant working-class of Dublin, 1870-1930’. In: As By Law Established The Church of Ireland Since the Reformation. Lilliput, Dublin, pp. 195-203. ISBN 1874675376 Maguire, Martin (2012) The Church of Ireland parochial associations: a social and cultural analysis. In: Confraternities and Sodalities in Ireland Charity, Devotion and Sociability. Columba Press, Dublin, pp. 97-110. ISBN 9781856077927 Maguire, Martin (2004) ‘Churches and Symbolic Power in the Irish Landscape’. LANDSCAPES, 5 (2). pp. 91-113. Maguire, Martin (2008) Civil service trade unionism in Ireland (part 1) 1801-1922. Saothar Journal of the Irish Labour History Society, 33. Maguire, Martin (2009) Civil service trade unionism in Ireland (part II) 1922-90. Saothar Journal of the Irish Labour History Society, 34. pp. 41-60. Maguire, Martin (2010) Gladstone and the Irish civil service. In: Gladstone and Ireland politics, religion and nationality in the Victorian Age. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 208-232. ISBN 978-0-230-2194-9 Maguire, Martin (2008) Harry Nicholls and Kathleen Emerson: Protestant Rebels. Studia Hibernica, 35. pp. 147-166. Maguire, Martin (2016) Henry (Harry) Nicholls (1887-1975) Assistant City Engineer and Republican Revolutionary. In: Dublin City Council and the 1916 Rising. Four Courts Press, Dublin, pp. 106-119. ISBN 978-1-907002-33-5 Maguire, Martin (2014) History: Discipline or Instrument? Dublin Review of Books (56). Maguire, Martin (2013) The Lost Chief. Dublin Review of Books (47). Maguire, Martin (2002) 'Our People' the Church of Ireland and the culture of community in Dublin since Disestablishment. In: The Laity and the Church of Ireland, 1000-2000. Four Courts press, Dublin, pp. 277-303. ISBN 1-85182-716-1 Maguire, Martin (2008) 'Remembering who we are': Identity and class in Protestant Dublin and Belfast, 1868-1905. In: Essays in irish Labour History a festschrift for Elizabeth and John W Boyle. Irish Academic press, Dublin, p. 4964. ISBN 978-0-7165-2825 (Hardback) 2826 (Paper) Maguire, Martin (2010) Scientific Service: a history of the Union of Professional and Technical Civil Servants 1920-1990. Institute of Public Admiistration, Dublin. ISBN 978-1-904541-89-9 Maguire, Martin (2013) Selective Memories. Dublin Review of Books (39). Maguire, Martin (2014) Sources for researching the Protestant Working Class in the Archives of the Church of Ireland. Journal of the Irish Society for Archives., 21. pp. 23-30. Maguire, Martin (2008) The civil service and the revolution in Ireland, 1912-38: 'Shaking the blood-stained hand of Mr Collins'. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 978-0-7190-7740 (Hardback) 978-0-7190-8194-1 (Paperback) Maguire, Martin (2005) The civil service, the State and the Irish Revolution, 1886-1938. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd' not defined] thesis, University of Dublin, Trinity College.. Maguire, Martin (1994) ‘The organisation and activism of Dublin’s Protestant working-class 1883-1935’ in Irish Historical Studies, xxix,no.113 (May 1994). Irish Historical Studies, XXIX (113). Maguire, Martin (1993) A socio-economic analysis of the Dublin protestant Working class 1870-1926. Irish Economic and Social History Journal, XX (1993).. Malone, Luke (2024) A Critical Examination of Otherness in Cartoon Saloon’s Irish Folklore Trilogy. Doctoral thesis, Dundalk Institute of Technology. Malone, Luke and Kearney, Daithi (2023) Resonance and Post-Otherness in Cartoon Saloon’s Wolfwalkers (2020). Confluente, 15. pp. 17-33. ISSN 2344-6072 Mc Hugh, Martin and Collins, Naoise Inclusive Assessment and Autistic students in Third Level Education in Ireland. International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education (IJTIE), 12 (1). (Submitted) McAllister, Barra (2020) Locating One’s Place: A Traditional Musician ‘Of Dublin’. Masters thesis, Dundalk Institute of Technology. McIntyre, Paul (2013) K. Heather Pinson, The Jazz Image: Seeing Music Through Herman Leonard’s Photography. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2010. 240 pp. ISBN 978- 1604734942 (hbk) £29.74. Jazz Research Journal, 7 (1). pp. 137-142. ISSN 1753-8645 Mcgreal, Sean STOR Upload Guide. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. ISSN 2047-7481 Mullen, Maurice (2022) Return to Fingal: The heritage and practice of Irish traditional music in North County Dublin. Doctoral thesis, Dundalk Institute of Technology. Murphy, Joseph (2020) A Composers Compendium: Creating an Open Access Repository for Overcoming Obstacles & Improving Simulations with the Sampled Orchestra. Masters thesis, Dundalk Institute of Technology. Murray, Gemma (2022) A Journey Towards a Community of Musical Practice Through Music Generation Louth's Introducing Strings Programme for Schools. Masters thesis, Dundalk Institute of Technology. OOrtiz-Perez, Miguel and Coghlan, Niall and Jaimovich, J and Knapp, R. Benjamin (2011) Biosignal-driven Art: Beyond biofeedback. Ideas Sonica / Sonic Ideas, 3 (2). (Submitted) SSeaver, Matthew and Brady, Conor (2011) Hill of Slane. Archaeology Ireland Heritage Guide No. 55 (55). WWard, Jamie and Branigan, Amanda (2013) 1 Card 6 Libraries Presentation. In: LIR Annual Conference, 22 March 2013, Liberty Hall, Dublin. (Submitted) |